Bath & Body Works Bourbon Men’s Collection Ultra Shea Body Cream: Review

Bath & Body Works Bourbon Men’s Collection Ultra Shea Body Cream: Review

I wanted review Bath & Body Works Bourbon Men’s Collection Ultra Shea Body Cream for a long time. However, I was kind of intentionally delaying it, because I was skeptical about the fact whether I can do honest review of this product or not. Because it is a Men’s product and I didn’t actually try them (except at the time of purchase).

But I realized as a product reviewer I must not restrict myself to reviewing only products used by “her”/me and I should push my boundaries as far as it is feasible.

My husband is fond this product and I have got some insight from him. However, I wanted a first-hand experience on this product to do an honest review. Hence, I have tried this product. I have used enough amount and for ample duration to get a fair insight on this product.

So, let’s get started:

Bath & Body Works Bourbon Men’s Collection Ultra Shea Body Cream: Review

Cost: We bought it from Bath & Body Works store in San Francisco and costed us around 16 US Dollars for 226 grams.

Description: It comes in tube and the tube feels like made of mixed of rubber and plastic (I am not sure though). The best part of the tube is even the product is squeezed out from it, it goes back to its original shape and does not deform.

The cream is white and thick. However, it is not sticky and contains heavy moisture.

Bath & Body Works Bourbon Men’s Collection Ultra Shea Body Cream: Review

Overall Experience of the Product: First of all, it has STRONG fragrance. It is “Super Masculine” and head turner.

As I have mentioned earlier it is thick and contains heavy moisture. However, it is not sticky and absorbs fast.

The fragrance stays around 3 to 4 hours and it provide hydration for at least 18 hours.

Only one comment I have about this product is, immediately after I used this Body Cream, it felt little waxy (However it settled after half an hour or so).

Other Comments: This Body Cream contains heavy moisture. So, if you are exposed to too much humidity, you may require to use very little amount of this Body Cream or you might need to check how it works for you.

My Rating: 4 out of 5.

Kankana Debnath

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