Checklist for Online Clothes Shopping

Online clothes shopping is meant to be hassle-free. But what happens when we end up buying clothes which do not turn out the way we wanted them to be or doesn’t seem to be providing value for money?

 No doubt, it’s frustrating.

Online shopping, especially when it comes to clothes runs through a process of selection- browsing, selecting colors, checking discounts, filtering sizes and so on. Hence, it is definitely much more than one click buy. So, each time we make a wrong purchase the same process of selection needs to be repeated and that is cumbersome.

Over the years through trials and errors I came up with a checklist which I always refer to while doing online clothes shopping.

1.Check the product description – The most important thing is to check the product description, especially the fabric. Sometimes the images posted on the site might be confusing. It might seem that the fabric is silk when you look at the images, however when you check the product description it might be mixed cotton. Because the appearance of clothes largely depends on fabric, slight variation may affect the overall look of the apparel.

Similarly, take note of the color as well.

Checklist for Online Clothes Shopping - Screenshot

2.Check the size guide – Because every apparel has different measurements, it is important to check the size guide/size chart. The measurements for size differ from brand to brand and sometimes even product to product, so irrespective of whether you are buying from multi-brand online store or single brand online store it is important to check the size guide/size chart to understand the fit of the apparel.

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3.Understand your body type – It happened to me many times when the size of the apparel was perfect but due to some other factors like shape or length, it couldn’t give me the desired fit. No one understands your body more than you. So, while making your wish list try to understand how the apparel will look on you rather than just looking at the images posted on the site.

4.Cross reference – when you have narrowed down your choices, try to refer to similar websites to check if the price you are paying is at par if not less.

5.Check reviews and ratings – Check the customer reviews and ratings to obtain the first-hand experience.

6.Check if the item is returnable – In case something goes wrong even after careful consideration. Like situation where you receive a damaged product, the worst thing can happen is to get stuck with the faulty product. So, it is important to check if the item is returnable.

Hope you find this checklist useful. Happy shopping 😊.

Kankana Debnath

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