MINISO – Silicone Facial Cleaner, Eye Mask, Body Roller

MINISO – Silicone Facial Cleaner, Eye Mask, Body Roller

In this post, I will talk about few of my Daily Essential Tools which I bought from MINISO.

I do not remember the exact price of these products as I bought them at different points of time. However, they are not expensive.

Silicone Facial Cleaner– This Silicone Facial Cleaner is one of my crucial tools for skincare.

 I need to use heavy makeup while shooting for my website. So, cleansing my skin deeply is necessary in order to keep my skin healthy. However, at the same time I need to keep in mind that the tool I am using is not harsh on my skin and doesn’t attempt to over exfoliate. So, this product till date has perfectly fitted my requirement.

It is made with soft silicone protruded cleaning pieces and it is battery operated. As it gently vibrates, it provides massage to the skin while cleaning. This Silicone Facial Cleaner is waterproof and I use it with facial wash.

MINISO, Silicone Facial Cleaner.

Eye Mask – I often suffer from eye fatigue due to extensive use of screen. So, I am always in search for products which can provide soothing feeling to my eyes. I already have shared details about the Vitamin E Eyes Cube ( which has provided a great relief to my eyes. In addition to that this Eye Mask also comes in handy.

It comes with a Gel Pack and a cute cover made with very soft fabric. It can be used both for hot therapy and cold therapy for eyes. I prefer the cold therapy. I just keep the gel pack inside refrigerator and I put it back inside the cover before I wear it.

MINISO, Eye Mask.

Body Roller– I have already shown this product in one of my video of Ethiopian Green Coffee Cream. I use this Body Roller after use of Body Cream and also after using Message Oil. It helps in absorbing the Body Cream/Message oil better, also helps in toning.

MINISO, Body Roller.

So, these are few of my Daily “Go to” tools, let me know what are yours in the comment section.

Kankana Debnath

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