(This is just a piece of Satire with no intention to harm anyone. We know Climate Change is real and everyone needs to contribute for the well-being of our Planet)

Ever since, the Climate Change Discussions have started, I have kept on feeling guilty. The more I think about it, the more guilty I feel.

Be it food, travel or even breathing, it seems to me that I have committed a crime.

Every type of food that I eat is laden with guilt.

If it’s Non-Veg, I am killing animals.

If I eat leafy Greens, I am eating plants that could have created oxygen by photosynthesis.

If I eat fruits, I am taking the share of animals.

If I drink milk, the guilt knows no bound. Well, the cow obviously did not create the milk for me, it created for its calf. Moreover, I belong to the sick race of Humans who actually went to the cow and did weird things and then figured out that milk is safe for our consumption. And then went up to other humans and told them about cow’s milk and the others jumped to extract the milk!

If I drink water, I feel like a monster. I can’t drink dirty water. If I drink chemically cleaned water, I am killing those cute little germs with Chemical Weapons. If I drink boiled water, oh, think of the cruelty towards the germs. Even, if I use filters, I am pushing all the germs in such a confined space, that most of them will die.

I can’t even travel in peace.

If I take the flight, the Climate Crusaders say, “How Dare you?”

If I take the train and ask for more leaves for the extra time taken for the journey, my company says, “How Dare you?”

If I take the car, the activists blame me for adding Traffic and Pollution and say, “How Dare you?”

If I get into a crowded bus, the co-passengers say, “How Dare you?”

Such is the ordeal, that I fear getting out from home.

And then, I can’t stay guilt free at home too.

I feel guilty for refrigerator releasing CFC.

I feel guilty for using electricity and then, if I switch off the lights at night, I can’t see anything. If I light up a candle, it releases Carbon Monoxide.

I feel guilty even to breathe these days. I tried to reduce the number of breaths to reduce the oxygen intake. But, then I realized that my breathes are getting longer and I might be using more oxygen as a result.

I can’t even die in peace. If I am buried, I will create Water and Soil Pollution. If I am cremated, I will add to the Air Pollution.

I got so frustrated that I decided that I will work hard to become an astronaut and then I will commit suicide in space. But then, I will be adding to the Space Debris.

Ah, that’s enough from me. So, How’s life treating you? If you are not feeling guilty even now…. Search Google for your conscience.

Soumyadip Ray

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