Wacky Comedy Movies on Netflix

Co-Author: Kankana Debnath

In continuance with our listing on things that you can watch on Netflix, here is a list of some Wacky Comedies in Netflix. These are not conventional comedies, but will provide you with laughter time and again. We can mark these ones as PG (Parental Guidance). However, if you are a Parent, we would strongly recommend you not to guide your kid to watch these 😊, predominantly due to their language.

The Do-Over: Well, Adam Sandler has a deal with Netflix and there are plenty of Netflix Original Movies where he is the main character. Netflix in January 2020 announced that the audience watched more than 2 Billion hours of Adam Sandler movies since 2015. Well, The Do-Over is a typical Adam Sandler movie, yet it is not. It’s about Max (Adam Sandler) influencing Charlie (David Spade) to fake their death and get chased by goons of a big corporation for cancer drug. There are sequences in the movie which are hilarious. There are quite a few twists and turns. This is an average thriller, but the comedy is awesome.

Murder Mystery: This is another Adam Sandler movie and this was the most popular Netflix Original movie in 2019. Here Adam Sandler is an ordinary New York cop who travel to Europe with his wife (played by Jennifer Aniston) and get entangled in the murder of a wealthy billionaire. This pacy, wacky comedy thriller is a pretty good watch.

Year One: I was surprised to see the low IMDB rating for this one. This is an amazing slapstick comedy having Jack Black and Michael Cera in the lead. Jack Black’s overacting and Michael Cera’s extreme underacting on a story that involves Biblical Characters as well as Roman Characters makes it a truly nonsense fun ride. If you are looking for a good story and historical accurate depictions, this is not the one. But, if you are looking for a hilarious fun ride to ease out your tensions and stress, this is the movie to watch.

Coffee & Kareem: This one is a recent Netflix Original and released in 2020. It’s about a cop and his girlfriend’s son and how they witness a crime and gets entangled and finally solves it in a hilarious way. The 12-year-old Kareem (Terrence Little Gardenhigh) is amazing and he has the best dialogues. This is a fun ride and you will be glad that you watched it.

The Other Guys: This is a movie about 2 cops who aren’t respected in the police department and are played by Mark Wahlberg and Will Ferrell. They are moved to traffic and beat patrol however they discover a big crime and goes out of the way to solve in their own goofy way. Good acting and some unique comic scenes make it a good watch. Also, Dwayne Johnson (The Rock) plays a small role in this movie.

While there are plenty of Comedy movies available, we thought of listing some of the movies that aren’t too famous and has a wacky element that can help you to feel relaxed in stressful times.

If you are looking for some TV Series to watch on Netflix or Amazon Prime, below are the links for a couple of articles where we have listed some of the shows:



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